Freedom from all of the scars and the sins, lest we drown in the darkness within.
"When our label Roadrunner Records approached us about shooting a video for ‘Darkness Within,’ I already had a lofty concept. It tied in perfectly with the fact that we were hitting Prague opening for Metallica, so I wrote a pretty fucked up treatment for the video, and then refined it over the next two days, sent it to the band, and they loved it.
I got sent a bunch of video by other bands to look at directors, and honestly, I fuckin’ HATE most videos nowadays, especially metal bands’ videos. They’re boring, thoughtless and pointless. Dudes in a warehouse playing. But there have been two bands in particular who have always impressed me with their videos. Rammstein and Behemoth." - Robb Flynn. (Klicka här för att läsa Robb's ord om videoinspelningen.)
Ännu en underbar låt och video.
Ja, den var snygg! Jag var dessutom i Prag i våras och det är ju alltid kul att känna igen sig. "Döskallekyrkan" kom jag dock aldrig till, men det får väl bli nästa gång!